20 Things That Will Strengthen Your Relationships
Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. ~ Jane Howard Eleven years ago today, thousands of people lost loved ones,...
View ArticleRisk Allows Us To Blossom
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails....
View ArticleExpressing Meaningful Gratitude
Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone. ~ G.B. Stern Letting people know you are grateful to them goes a long way. Studies show that when people feel appreciated and valued, they are more inclined...
View Article6 Tips To Composing Heartfelt Thank You Notes
People like being appreciated. Every gift deserves a thank-you, whether it is a material object, a referral, or to express your appreciation for someone’s friendship, acceptance or support. Although...
View ArticleEvery Problem Has A Purpose
Problems are only opportunities in work clothes. ~ Henry J. Kaiser When faced with any sort of challenge, we have the choice to approach that obstacle as an opportunity to make us better people, or to...
View ArticleHow To Teach Children Gratitude
Do not take anything for granted — not one smile or one person or one rainbow or one breath, or one night in your cozy bed. ~Terri Guillemets Gratitude is an attitude toward living. Children learn...
View Article5 Languages of Love
Chocolate or potato chips? Steak or seafood? We all have preference, and so it is with HOW we like to be SHOWN love. Certain things resonate more than others, making us feel more appreciated, opening...
View ArticleGet Ready, Get Set, Hug!
You can’t wrap love in a box, but you can wrap a person in a hug. A hug is one of the most basic ways humans touch. A positive exchange of energy, a hug creates a connection that cannot be expressed in...
View ArticleEveryday Heros
There is a very special breed of person that holds our nation together: Everyday Heroes. Each and every day, firefighters, teachers, medical professionals, professors, and police officers risk their...
View ArticleThe Most Memorable Give You’ll Ever Give
Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others...
View ArticleGratitude To The People We Care About
Giving thanks. It’s easy to forget and it’s easy to take for granted those people in our lives who we truly care about. When we tune in and feel gratitude it opens our hearts and brings us to a plane...
View ArticleGratitude: Candy For Your Doctor? How Appreciation Changes The Interaction
Appreciation can be a kind of wake-up call. It can spark aliveness and connection in both the receiver and the giver. Below is a description of a study that utilized candy to measure the response of...
View ArticleLiving In Gratitude: A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart
A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and sings it back to you when you have forgotten the words. One of the best things in life is having a true friend. Another is being a true friend....
View ArticleGratitude In The Workplace
People want to belong and feel appreciated by their employer. When shown gratitude at work, employees: Are Happier Feel appreciated Take pride in what they do Are more creative Have increased company...
View ArticleEvery Problem Has A Purpose
Tweet Problems are only opportunities in work clothes. ~ Henry J. Kaiser When faced with any sort of challenge, we have the choice to approach that obstacle as an opportunity to make us better people,...
View ArticleHow To Teach Children Gratitude
Tweet Do not take anything for granted — not one smile or one person or one rainbow or one breath, or one night in your cozy bed. ~Terri Guillemets Gratitude is an attitude toward living. Children...
View Article5 Languages of Love
Tweet Chocolate or potato chips? Steak or seafood? We all have preference, and so it is with HOW we like to be SHOWN love. Certain things resonate more than others, making us feel more appreciated,...
View ArticleGet Ready, Get Set, Hug!
Tweet You can’t wrap love in a box, but you can wrap a person in a hug. A hug is one of the most basic ways humans touch. A positive exchange of energy, a hug creates a connection that cannot be...
View ArticleEveryday Heros
Tweet There is a very special breed of person that holds our nation together: Everyday Heroes. Each and every day, firefighters, teachers, medical professionals, professors, and police officers risk...
View ArticleThe Most Memorable Give You’ll Ever Give
Tweet Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many...
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